Sunday 24 February 2013

More art history - yes please.

Well, i reckon it's good to have Tess back with us for visual culture class. She has such an encouraging approach to teaching such a subject, something I continue to appreciate more and more, as I try to break free of the commercial photography mindset.

Our first major task revolves around researching and presenting a short speech on a contemporary Australian photographer, from around the time of the 1970's to present day photographers.

There are some amazing artists on offer for us all to chose from, and I wish I had time to brush over all of them, perhaps I will one day, but for now, I have decided to express interest in female photographer (for a change). Why? Mainly because I have not yet researched a female artist to any great extent in my day, let alone a female photographer, but also because her work had an initial appeal to me.

The photographer I have chosen is:

Jacky Redgate

Jacky Redgate.
Photographer unknown.

I am about to commence my research and look forward to sitting down and really getting stuck into it.


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